📪Making a post

Here's a simplified guide on how you might implement a post creation feature using the contract:

  1. User Interface:

    • Develop a user-friendly interface where users can input their KYC data, such as their name and user ID.

    • Include a form for users to submit their KYC data and a button to initiate the submission process.

  2. Smart Contract Integration:

    • Connect your user interface to the Ethereum blockchain using a library like Web3.js or ethers.js.

    • Implement JavaScript functions to interact with the smart contract methods, such as submitKYC().

  3. Submission Process:

    • When a user fills out the KYC submission form and submits it, your JavaScript function should call the submitKYC() function in the smart contract.

    • Ensure that appropriate validations are performed on the user input before submitting the data to the contract.

  4. Transaction Confirmation:

    • Handle transaction confirmation events to provide feedback to users about the status of their KYC submission.

    • You can display a loading indicator while waiting for the transaction to be mined and then update the UI with the result.

  5. Optional: Verification Process:

    • If your system includes a verification step, implement a feature for designated signers to verify submitted KYC data using the verifyKYC() function.

    • Update the UI to reflect the verification status of KYC data.

  6. Feedback and Error Handling:

    • Implement error handling to notify users of any issues encountered during the submission process.

    • Provide feedback to users upon successful submission or verification of their KYC data.

  7. Security Considerations:

    • Ensure that sensitive user data is handled securely and that appropriate measures are in place to protect user privacy.

    • Implement appropriate access controls to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive functions in the smart contract.

Last updated