👋Welcome to KYC3: A Guide to Getting Started

The KYC3 SDK (Software Development Kit) provides developers with a convenient way to interact with the KYCVerification smart contract deployed on the blockchain. With this SDK, developers can seamless

KYC3 SDK Overview

The KYC3 SDK provides developers with a powerful toolset for implementing robust KYC verification processes in their applications. By leveraging blockchain technology, developers can ensure compliance, enhance security, and streamline user verification processes, ultimately building trust with their users and stakeholders. Get started with the KYC3 SDK today and take your application's KYC verification to the next level.

Main components

  1. Struct Definition: The KYCData struct defines the structure of KYC records, including the signer's address, name, user ID, and verification status.

  2. State Variables:

    • kycRecords: An array to store all KYC records.

    • hasSubmittedKYC: A mapping to keep track of whether a user has already submitted KYC.

    • userIdExists: A mapping to check whether a user ID already exists.

    • userIdToAddress: A mapping to retrieve the address associated with a user ID.

  3. Events:

    • KYCVerified: An event emitted when KYC data is successfully submitted.

  4. Functions:

    • submitKYC: Allows users to submit their KYC data.

    • verifyKYC: Allows the designated signer to verify KYC submissions.

    • getKYCDetails: Retrieves KYC details based on the index.

    • getKYCDataBySigner: Retrieves all KYC data submitted by a specific signer.

Get Started

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