💡What we do

The contract facilitates the process of Know Your Customer (KYC) verification on the Ethereum blockchain. Here's what the contract does in more detail:

  1. KYC Data Submission:

    • Users can submit their KYC data, including their name and user ID, to the contract using the submitKYC function.

    • The contract checks that the submitted name and user ID are not empty and that the user ID is unique.

    • If the conditions are met, the KYC data is stored in the contract along with the address of the user who submitted it.

  2. KYC Data Verification:

    • A designated signer can verify KYC data by calling the verifyKYC function with the index of the KYC record to be verified.

    • Only the signer associated with the KYC record can verify it.

    • Verification sets the verified flag to true in the KYC record, indicating that the KYC data has been verified.

  3. Retrieval of KYC Data:

    • Users can retrieve their KYC data by calling the getKYCDetails function with the index of their KYC record as a parameter.

    • The function returns the signer's address, name, user ID, and verification status for the specified KYC record.

  4. Retrieval of KYC Data by Signer:

    • Users can retrieve all KYC data submitted by a specific signer by calling the getKYCDataBySigner function with the signer's address as a parameter.

    • The function returns an array of KYC records associated with the specified signer.

In summary, the contract provides a mechanism for users to submit their KYC data, for a designated signer to verify the submitted data, and for users to retrieve their own KYC data or all KYC data associated with a specific signer. This contract aims to assist in identity verification processes within decentralized applications (dApps) or other blockchain-based systems.

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