Our Features
KYC Data Submission:
Users can submit their KYC data, including their name and user ID, to the system.
The system ensures that submitted data is not empty and that user IDs are unique.
KYC Data Verification:
A designated signer can verify KYC data submitted by users.
Verification status is recorded in the system.
KYC Data Retrieval:
Users can retrieve their own KYC data, including verification status.
KYC Data Lookup by Signer:
Users can search for KYC data associated with a specific signer (e.g., a verifying authority).
This feature enables users to access all KYC records associated with a particular signer.
Event Emission:
The system emits an event (
) upon successful verification of KYC data.This event can be used to track and notify interested parties about changes in the KYC verification status.
Last updated